Hibike! Euphonium Wiki

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Hibike! Euphonium Wiki

𝄢 Welcome to Hibike! Euphonium Wiki!

Hibike! Euphonium Wiki is a community dedicated to everything related to the Sound! Euphonium series! This includes the novel series written by Ayano Takeda, a manga adaptation illustrated by Hami, and multiple anime adaptations by Kyoto Animation.
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WARNING! This wiki contains SPOILERS from the series, read at your own risk!
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𝄢 About Sound! Euphonium

Sound! Euphonium or Hibike! Euphonium is a Japanese novel written by Ayano Takeda, published on December 5, 2013 by Takarajimasha. The story focuses on the Kitauji High School Concert Band, which is steadily improving thanks to the newly appointed director's strict instruction. The manga adaptation which is illustrated by Hami was serialized on the Kono Manga ga Sugoi! Web website. An anime adaptation, produced by Kyoto Animation and directed by Tatsuya Ishihara, began airing on April 7, 2015 and finished on June 30, 2015. Second season began airing in October 6, 2016 and finished in December 29, 2016.

𝄢 Featured Characters

𝄢 Featured Video

Sound! Euphonium Teaser: Third Year Project

𝄢 Birthdays

Hazuki Headshot
FEB 13

𝄢 On This Day (February 17)

Nothing currently known.

𝄢 Official Twitter

𝄢 Related Websites

Sound! Euphonium TV series 3rd season official website (in Japanese) Sound! Euphonium the Movie: Ensemble Contest official website (in Japanese) Sound! Euphonium the Movie: Finale Oath official website (in Japanese) Liz and the Blue Bird official website (in Japanese) Sound! Euphonium the Movie: May the Melody Reach You! official website (in Japanese) Sound! Euphonium TV series 2nd season official website (in Japanese) Sound! Euphonium the Movie: Welcome to the Kitauji High School Concert Band official website (in Japanese) Sound! Euphonium TV series 1st season official website (in Japanese) Sound! Euphonium page at Takarajimasha official website (in Japanese) Sound! Euphonium TV series 1st season official website
Kitauji High School Wind Music Club New Stage official website (in Japanese) Kyoto Animation official website Ponycan USA official website Yamaha official website (in Japanese) Eleven Arts official website Shout! Factory official website Anime Limited/All The Anime official website Kono Manga official website

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